Incontro con la professoressa Emma Previato: Art, History, Sustainability
Galleria S. Lucia 1 - Padova
Lunedi' 20 luglio prossimo alle ore 15:30 la professoressa Emma Previato della Boston University terra' una conferenza dal titolo:
Art, History, Sustainability: What's Mathematics got to do with all that?
La conferenza e' in lingua inglese ed e' aperta a tutti gli interessati
ABSTRACT: A ride through the mathematics tournaments of 16th century Padua will take us beyond the golden number known to the Greeks to numbers that only exist in the imagination (pun intended), while artists busy themselves looking for imaginary points in the plane. Flash forward: aerial photography makes good on such historical creations, computer systems produce the fractal geometry of snowflakes, and symmetry contributes to saving resources by modular architecture.