2 conferenze organizzate dal corso di Landscape Protection and Design


Nella cornice del corso di Landscape Protection and Design (prof. Luigi Siviero) - Master degree in Environmental Engineering - Land Planning and Management e del ReLOAD - Research Lab of ArchitectUrban Design (prof. Michelangelo Savino), presentiamo il ciclo di conferenze LANDSHAPE, che si terrà durante il secondo quadrimestre, a.a. 2020/2021.
Stefanos Antoniadis è invitato a tenere i primi due seminari: Wrecks! (15.03.2021) e Coast! (16.03.2021)
Le conferenze, in lingua inglese, saranno in modalità live Zoom:
ID: 826 1427 0729
Pass code: W582nR

In the frame of the Landscape Protection and Design course (prof. Luigi Siviero) - Master degree in Environmental Engineering - Land Planning and Management, and of the ReLOAD - Research Lab of ArchitectUrban Design (prof. Michelangelo Savino), we present LANDSHAPE, cycle of conferences and seminars, which will be held during the a.y. 2020/2021.
First two seminars by Stefanos Antoniadis: Wrecks! (2021 Mar 15th) and Coast! (2021 Mar 16th).
Conferences live Zoom:
ID: 826 1427 0729
Pass code: W582nR