Attività formative e catalogo dei corsi
Specialized PhD Courses:
A.Y. 2024/25
- Advanced design of transport infrastructures (Cannone)
- Architectural regeneration strategies for historic cities and urban suburbs (Dalla Caneva, Narne)
- Discrete choice models. Theory and applications (Ceccato)
- Elements of tensor and numerical algebra (Frigo, Xotta)
- Emerging issues on climate change mitigation, adaptation and GIScience (De Marchi, Pappalardo)
- Geomatics methodologies for acquisition, processing, and manipulation of 3-D data (Fabris)
- Helicoids structures and architecture: geometric genesis, digital applications and solutions (Giordano, Monteleone)
- Life cycle assessment and footprint analysis (Manzardo)
- Life Cycle Design for Sustainable Structures (Faleschini)
- Mechanics of turbulence (Peruzzo)
- Nonlinear continuum mechanics for finite element analysis (De Marchi)
- Numerical Methods for engineers (Bergamaschi, Franceschini)
- Object-oriented programming for engineers (Mazzucco, Janna, Pomaro, Franceschini)
- Source criticism and advanced research methods for architecture and urban history (Zaggia, Guidarelli)
- Statistics for engineers (Salmaso, Arboretti, Disegna)
- Sustainable design (Paparella)
- Sustainable environmental management of water, wastewater and waste (Lavagnolo, Grossule, Raga)
- Sustainable solutions for Ports (Martinelli)
A.Y. 2025/26
- Advanced monitoring and modelling in geotechnical engineering (Brezzi, Ceccato, Gabrieli)
- Advanced tools for hydrology in a changing climate
- Advanced tools in fluid mechanics
- Constitutive modelling for hyperelastic and visco-hyperelastic materials
- Fluid mechanics for the functional assessment of cardiovascular devices
- Historic construction and infrastructures: Analysis and structural assessment
- Innovative Techniques for Expansion of Existing Buildings
- Inspection, Risk and Resilience Analysis for Asset Management Purposes
- Technical innovation in complex building renovation projects
- The architecture of railway and airport infrastructures between project and histories
- Urban desgin for the contemporary city: Regeneration, sustainability and social innovation
- Urban planning and transport infrastructure solutions for sustainable and smart cities