Attività formative e catalogo dei corsi

Specialized PhD Courses:

A.Y. 2024/25

  1. Advanced design of transport infrastructures (Cannone)
  2. Architectural regeneration strategies for historic cities and urban suburbs (Dalla Caneva, Narne)
  3. Discrete choice models. Theory and applications (Ceccato)
  4. Elements of tensor and numerical algebra (Frigo, Xotta)
  5. Emerging issues on climate change mitigation, adaptation and GIScience (De Marchi, Pappalardo)
  6. Geomatics methodologies for acquisition, processing, and manipulation of 3-D data (Fabris)
  7. Helicoids structures and architecture: geometric genesis, digital applications and solutions (Giordano, Monteleone)
  8. Life cycle assessment and footprint analysis (Manzardo)
  9. Life Cycle Design for Sustainable Structures (Faleschini)
  10. Mechanics of turbulence (Peruzzo)
  11. Nonlinear continuum mechanics for finite element analysis (De Marchi)
  12. Numerical Methods for engineers (Bergamaschi, Franceschini)
  13. Object-oriented programming for engineers (Mazzucco, Janna, Pomaro, Franceschini)
  14. Source criticism and advanced research methods for architecture and urban history (Zaggia, Guidarelli)
  15. Statistics for engineers (Salmaso, Arboretti, Disegna)
  16. Sustainable design (Paparella)
  17. Sustainable environmental management of water, wastewater and waste (Lavagnolo, Grossule, Raga)
  18. Sustainable solutions for Ports (Martinelli)


A.Y. 2025/26

  1. Advanced monitoring and modelling in geotechnical engineering (Brezzi, Ceccato, Gabrieli)
  2. Advanced tools for hydrology in a changing climate
  3. Advanced tools in fluid mechanics
  4. Constitutive modelling for hyperelastic and visco-hyperelastic materials
  5. Fluid mechanics for the functional assessment of cardiovascular devices
  6. Historic construction and infrastructures: Analysis and structural assessment
  7. Innovative Techniques for Expansion of Existing Buildings
  8. Inspection, Risk and Resilience Analysis for Asset Management Purposes
  9. Technical innovation in complex building renovation projects
  10. The architecture of railway and airport infrastructures between project and histories
  11. Urban desgin for the contemporary city: Regeneration, sustainability and social innovation
  12. Urban planning and transport infrastructure solutions for sustainable and smart cities