Workshop Internazionale di Progettazione “Stalking the zone #01. The Selfish Giant”

Dal 18.07.2017 al 20.07.2017

Workshop Internazionale di Progettazione “Stalking the zone #01. The Selfish Giant”, con la Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design of Jerusalem, 18-20 luglio 2017.
Ciclo di Eventi “DATA - Development of Abandoned Transurban Areas”, Simposi, Conferenze & Workshops nel quadro del Programma Operativo Regionale 'Veneto' – Fondo Sociale Europeo 2014-2020.
ReLOAD_Research Lab of ArchitectURban Design, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Edile e Ambientale, Università degli Studi di Padova.

International Design Workshop “Stalking the zone #01. The Selfish Giant”, with the Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design of Jerusalem, July 18th-20th 2017.
Event Series “DATA - Development of Abandoned Transurban Areas”, Symposia, Lectures & Workshops in the framework of Regional Operational Programme ‘Veneto’ – European Social Fund 2014-2020.
ReLOAD_Research Lab of ArchitectURban Design at Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering, University of Padova.


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