Educational Activities

Courses offered by our PhD Course

Specialized PhD Courses


 Educational Profiles
Advanced design of transport infrastructuresXX    
Mechanics of turbulence    XX
Architectural regeneration strategies for historic cities and urban suburbs  X   
Discrete choice models. Theory and applicationsXX X  
Elements of tensor and numerical algebraXX  XX
Emerging issues on climate change mitigation, adaptation and GIScience  XXXX
Geomatics methodologies for acquisition, processing and manipulation of 3D data XXXXX
Helicoids, structure and architecture: geometric genesis, digital applications and advanced modelling XX   
Life cycle assessment and footprint analysis   XX 
Life cycle design for sustainable structures XX   
Nonlinear continuum mechanics for finite element analysisXX  X 
Numerical methods for engineersXX  XX
Object-oriented programming for engineersXX  XX
Source criticism and advanced research methods for architecture and urban history  X   
Statistics for engineersXXXXXX
Sustainable design XXX  
Sustainable environmental management of water, wastewater and waste   XX 
Sustainable solutions for ports   XXX


 Educational Profiles
Advanced monitoring and modelling in geotechnical engineeringXX XX 
Advanced tools for hydrology in a changing climate   XXX
Constitutive modelling for hyperelastic and visco-hyperelastic materialsX  X X
Fluid mechanics for the functional assessment of cardiovascular devicesX  X X
Historic construction and infrastructures: Analysis and structural assessment XX   
Innovative Techniques for Expansion of Existing Buildings XX   
Inspection, Risk and Resilience Analysis for Asset Management Purposes  X X 
Advanced tools in fluid mechanicsX   XX
Technical innovation in complex building renovation projects XX   
The architecture of railway and airport infrastructures between project and histories XX   
Urban design for the contemporary city: Regeneration, sustainability and social innovation  X X 
Urban planning and transport infrastructure solutions for sustainable and smart cities XX X 

Soft Skill PhD Courses

Advanced methodologies for projects on competitive tenders
How to give a scientific presentation
Digital database for advanced research

Soft Skill PhD Courses offered by UNIPD

Coursen° hoursPeriod
Public speaking 5hJanuary-March
Corsi CLA: corsi intensivi di lingua 30h 
Writing a CV outside the academia5hApril-May
Equità e inclusione: questioni di genere, omotransfobia, razzismo e discriminazione- 
Generi e Linguaggi (Modulo 1)
Generi e Linguaggi (Modulo 2): analisi e revisione dei documenti amministrativi per la parità di genere
Introduction to machine learning and artificial intelligence: methods and applications10hMarch
How not to submit a paper. Pressures, predators, preprints and other oddities scientific literature (3 days @Asiago)3 days9-11 June
Funding opportunities for Postdocs with a focus on MSCA-PF/Strategies and tools for Career Development in Research: The new European Charter for Researchers, Euraxess, International Foundations9h 
Science communication and knowledge valorization: practices and tools 20hJanuary-March
Research, Intellectual Property and Exploitation: the PhD perspective5hMay
Introduction to big data science: methods and tools7hJune-July
Open access and scholarly communication / from open access to open data: the open science framework13hMay
The impact of my research: bridging knowledge to people needs10.5h 
The 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals- 

The courses have different modes of delivery (face-to-face in-person meetings, workshops, and MOOCs) and different time commitment required. For face-to-face courses, about a month before the start of classes, detailed information will be posted on the page of the University website ( and forwarded by email to PhD students.