Course overview
Brief overview
Degree type: Master degree
Course duration: 2 years
Total credits: 120
Language: English
Location: Padua, Italy
Course coordinator: Prof. Antonia Larese De Tetto
The degree course consists of two study tracks:
- Modelling for Engineering and Science
- Financial Engineering
Course overview: Modelling for Engineering and Science
Course offer valid for A. Y. 2024/25
*The 12 BOUNDED-CHOICE CREDITS can also be chosen from the following areas:
ICAR/01, ICAR/02, ICAR/07, ICAR/08, ING-IND/06 , ING-IND/10 , ING-IND/18, ING-IND/31, ING-INF/01 , ING-INF/02 , ING-INF/03, ING-INF/04 , ING-INF/05 , ING-INF/06 , ING-INF/07, MAT/02,MAT/03 , MAT/05 , MAT/06 , MAT/07 , MAT/08 , MAT/09, FIS/01 , FIS/02 , FIS/03 , FIS/04 , FIS/05 , FIS/06, INF/01,SECS-P/01,SECS-P/05, SECS-P/06, SECS-S/01, SECS-S/03, SECS-S/06, CHIM/02, GEO/10, GEO/11, GEO/12
Click here to access the syllabus of the study track. Please note that on this website, you have to check for the current academic year, then select the School of Engineering and proceed by clicking on your degree programme. Once there, you can select the study track you follow.
Course overview: Financial Engineering
Course offer valid for A. Y. 2024/25
For the second year of studies, students have the following choice:
- 2nd year of studies at Ecole d’Ingénieurs Léonard De Vinci (ESILV)
Students enrolled in the "Financial Engineering" curriculum have the opportunity to spend the 2nd year of their Master's degree in Paris at ESILV (Ecole Supérieure d'Ingénieur Léonard de Vinci). There, they can acquire useful skills to understand and master the complexity of financial markets, focusing particularly on topics related to "Market analytics", "Risk and mathematics", and "Options and Financial markets".
Through individual and group laboratory activities, they will develop their technical skills and get closer to the business world. Finally, they can best prepare for their entry into the job market by completing a curricular internship corresponding to one-third of the annual training program (21 ECTS).
The mobility at ESILV can be supported with a 12-month Erasmus+ Study grant.
- 2nd year of studies at UNIPD
Students, who do wish to remain at the University of Padua during the second year, will follow the course offer presented below:
Click here to access the syllabus of the study track. Please note that on this website, you have to check for the current academic year, then select the School of Engineering and proceed by clicking on your degree programme. Once there, you can select the study track you follow.
Credit system
For each course, a number of credits is distributed which the students obtain by passing the respective exam. These credits define the student's workload, including time spent attending lectures, seminars, independent study, and examinations. The Italian University system uses CFU (Crediti Formativi Universitari) for which 1 CFU corresponds to 1 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System). The Italian system is adapted to the European credit system.
An overview of the transfer system is listed below:
- 1 Italian CFU = 1 ECTS credit
- 1 ECTS credit = 25 working hours (lectures and self study)
- 1 full year of study = 60 ECTS
- 1st cycle Degree (3 years Programme) = 180 ECTS
- 2nd cycle Degree (2 year Programme) = 120 ECTS