Director: Andrea Giordano
Full Professors (FP): Andrea DEFINA, Massimiliano FERRONATO, Carmelo MAIORANA, Giuliano MARELLA, Emiliano PASQUINI, Paolo SIMONINI.
Assistant Professors (AP): Andrea MENIN.
Technical Personnel (TP):
All ICEA professors.
Representatives of PhD students: Alberto BISSON, Marco LORA, Irene PRADELLA, Nicolò SPIEZIA, Riccardo TONINATO.
Representatives of Technical Personnel: Michele ANSELMI, Silvia BRUNELLI, Elena CRESTANI, Mattia PIVATO, Filippo ANDREOSE, Anna DE BIASI, Giovanni GOBBI, Stefano MENEGHIN.
Administrative Secretary: Tiziana PAMPANIN.
Code of conduct
The University of Padova has adopted its own codes, in addition to various regulations and administrative tools, to ensure the quality of service and the principles of loyalty of Public Workers (Articles 97 and 98 of the Italian Constitution) as well as to ensure good performance and impartiality of the Public Administration.
The Code of Conduct (available below in PDF format) is adopted to implement the Legislative Decree No. 165 of March 30 2001 (Article 54, paragraph 5) and integrates and specifies regulatory provisions pertaining to the Code of Conduct of Public Workers, issued by Decree of the President of the Republic, No. 62 on April 16 2013.
It was approved by the Board of Administration on October 27 2014 and issued by Decree of the Rector no. 3269 on November 7 2014.