Associate Professor
Address: Via Ognissanti, 39 - Padova
Phone: 049 8277998
Roberto Raga holds a Doctorate in GeoEngineering (Cagliari, Italy, 2000). Currently, he is Associate Professor at the University of Padova and, since 2008, he teaches the course of “Remediation of contaminated sites” for international students of the Second Cycle Degree Programme (MSc Level) in Environmental Engineering. Since 2018 he teaches also a course on Fundamentals of Environmental Engineering for bachelor's students.
His teaching and research activities are focused on municipal solid waste treatment and disposal in landfill, management of leachate and biogas emissions, old landfill remediation.
His main area of expertise are landfill in situ aeration as a tool for reducing current and long term emissions and landfill remediation by means of Landfill Mining. He has carried out the scientific management of three full scale landfill aeration projects in northern Italy.
Dr. Raga was involved in the following international projects funded by the European Union (EU) and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs:
- PSDWSEP - Pre-treatment and safe disposal of municipal solid waste and waste water sludge for environmental protection (EU, FP5, 2000 – 2002);
- EVAPASSOLD - EVAluation and Preliminary ASSessment of OLd waste Deposits (EU, FP5, 2000 – 2004)
- TETRAWAMA - Development of Teaching and Training Modules for Higher Education in the Waste Management Sector (EU, Asialink project, 2003 – 2006)
- Cooperation project Italy – China: ROLES –Remediation of Old Landfills for Environmental sustainability and final sink (Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2016 – 2018)
He is author of more than 100 scientific publications in Proceedings of International Conferences, national and international Books and Journals
Selected publications:
- Cossu, R., Morello, L., Raga, R., Cerminara, G., 2016. Biogas production enhancement using semi-aerobic pre-aeration in a hybrid bioreactor landfill. Waste Management 55, 83–92
- Raga, R., Cossu, R., Heerenklage, J., Pivato, A., Ritzkowski, M., 2015. Landfill aeration for emission control before and during landfill mining. Waste Management 46, 420–429
- Raga, R., Cossu, R., 2014. Landfill aeration in the framework of a reclamation project in Northern Italy. Waste Management 34, 683–691
- Marella, G., Raga, R., 2014. Use of the Contingent Valuation Method in the assessment of a landfill mining project. Waste Management 34, 1199–1205.
- Pivato, A., Raga, R., Vanin, S., Rossi, M., 2014. Assessment of compost quality for its environmentally safe use by means of an ecotoxicological test on a soil organism. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management 16, Issue 4, 763-774
- Raga, R., Cossu, R., 2013. Bioreactor tests preliminary to landfill in situ aeration: a case study. Waste Management 33, 871–880
- Cossu, R., Raga, R., Testolin, G., 2012. Landill in situ aeration for emission control and landfill mining. In: Cossu R., Salieri V., Bisinella V. (Eds.). Urban Mining: A global cycle approach to resource recovery from solid waste. p. 391-407, CISA, Italy. ISBN: 9788862650014
- Cossu, R., Raga, R., Testolin, G., 2011. Landfill aeration experience in Italy. In: Proceedings Sardinia 2011 – Thirteenth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium. Cisa, Italy. ISBN: 9788862650007
- Cossu R, Carrubba, P., Conte, M., Raga, R., Salieri, V., 2011. When wrong design is the main problem in landfilling. In: Proceedings Sardinia 2011 – Thirteenth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium. Cisa, Italy. ISBN: 9788862650007
- Raga, R., Cossu, R., Lagerkvist, A., 2010. Landfilling: Planning, Siting and Design. In: Solid Waste Technology & Management. pp. 898 – 913. T.H. Christensen Editor. Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBN: 978-1-4051-7517-3
- Cossu, R., Lai, T., Raga, R., 2009. Final storage quality of a landfill in view of afteruse. In Proceedings Sardinia 2009 – Twelfth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium. Cisa, Italy. ISBN: 978-88-6265-007-6
- Cossu, R., Raga, R., Dal Maso, A., Zanella, M., 2009. Preliminary tests for the application of landfill in situ aeration in a mountain area in northern Italy. In Proceedings Sardinia 2009 – Twelfth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium. Cisa, Italy. ISBN: 978-88-6265-007-6
- Cossu, R., Raga, R., 2008. Test methods for assessing the biological stability of biodegradable waste. Waste Management 28, 381-388
- Pivato, A., Raga, R., 2006. Tests for the evaluation of ammonium attenuation in MSW landfill leachate by adsorption into bentonite in a landfill liner. Waste Management 26, 123-132
- Cossu, R., Raga, R., Rossetti, D., 2003. The PAF model: an integrated approach for landfill sustainability. Waste Management 23, 37-44.
Research Activity
- sustainable landfill management
- landfill and contaminated sites remediation