Mobility and Behavior Research Center – MoBe

The Mobility and Behavior Research Center – MoBe was born from the collaboration between the Departments of General Psychology (DPG) and Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering (ICEA) of the University of Padua.
The main objective is the study of driving behaviors, aimed at improving safety in transport systems. The innovative aspect of the project is the creation of an integrated study environment, which allows to analyze the behavior of drivers in controlled conditions, with the help of advanced instrumentation. In fact, the human factor plays a central role in defining the overall risk associated with road driving.
The purpose of the center is to strengthen, in line with the multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary vision of the University of Padua, the synergies present in the two constituent departments in the promotion and coordination of research in the field of road safety, in the transfer of knowledge and skills to the territory.
The research activities are supported by several simulation laboratories, which include two car driving simulators, two motorcycle driving simulators, a bicycle simulator and a VR system for pedestrian simulation.