Full Professor
Address: Via Marzolo, 9 - Padova
Phone: 049 8275569
Marco PASETTO was born in Padova (I) in 1962.
March 2002-today. Full Professor of "Roads, Railways and Airports" (ICAR/04) at the University of Padova.
July 2000. Full Professor title in examination at Ancona University.
1990-2002. Assistant Professor (ICAR/04) at the University of Padova.
1987-1990. Research contract with the Highways and Transport Institute at the University of Padova.
1987-03-23. Master of Science in Civil Engineering (Transport Course) at the University of Padova (110/110 magna cum laude).
Coordinator of the Road Laboratory.
Member of the Scientific Committee of Engineering and Architecture Area (-2012).
President in Master of Science of CE sessions.
President of the Commission of qualifying examination for Architecture and Engineering at the University of Padova (2010).
Professor at the University of Padova, of: "Roads, Railways and Airports" (9 ECTs) "Railway and Airport infrastructures" (9 ECTs), "Design of road infrastructures" (6 ETCs). Director since 2017 of the Master course on "Planning, design, construction and management of airport infrastructures".
Supervising professor or more than 300 students' theses (Bachelor and Master degree).
Professor in different courses and Masters in IUAV Venezia, SSIS-Special Courses (Veneto Region), ANAS, Architecture Dept. of the University of Padova, Private bodies (e.g. Motorways Societies).
Member of PhD School of Civil Engineering in Trieste till 2012, in Udine after 2013, in Trieste+Udine since 2015 and Padova since 2018.
Organizer of Padova 2008-2018 Workshops on "Reuse of marginal materials in Road Construction" (2010, 2013, 2017 International), 2010 Workshop on "Road safety" (Albignasego) and 2009 Workshop on "Materials CE marking" (Padova); Padova 2003 SIIV Italian Road Congress; Verona 2001 SIIV Italian Road Congress; SIIV Summer School on Innovative materials for road construction (2013, Montegrotto Terme), 2019 ISAP APE.
Member of:
SIIV-Italian Society for Road Infrastructures, President 2013-2014;
C.I.R.S.-Interuniversity Center of Road and Airport Research, component of the Board of Directors 2002-ongoing;
AIIT-Italian Society of Traffic and Transport Engineering, Triveneto President 2011-ongoing;
ISAP-International Society for Asphalt Pavements, chairman TC APE WG6 "By-products & Secondary Materials Recycling in Asphalt Pavements" 2013-ongoing; Member of WG5 "Re-Use of Construction Materials" in the TC on Constitutive Modelling of Asphaltic Materials;
AAPT-Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists;
PIARC-Permanent International Association of Road Congresses, component of the Italian TC "Road bridges" - chairman WG " Pavements"
UNI (Italian Standard Body) Convenor of SC2-WG 3+4 (concrete pavements+unbound and hydraulically bound mixtures and marginal materials);
RILEM TC SIB TG6 Cold Recycling.
Member of MIUR-Italian University and Research Ministry Register of CIVR experts and Register of PRIN and FIRB Projects evaluation experts; reviewer for VQR products.
Member of the WG Green Roads at the Ministry of Environment.
Referee on behalf of more than 25 international journals. Member of the Editorial Board of the Road Materials and Pavement Design, the Scientific Committee of the Journal "Trasporti & Cultura" (2006-ongoing), the Journal of Pavement Engineering and Asphalt Technology.
Referee on behalf of several international congresses. Principal investigator in several Research projects. Author of more than 280 scientific works.
Research Activity
Main topics:
- traffic planning and management;
- noise, air pollution and vibrations related to traffic;
- road geometry and traffic safety;
- maintenance management systems;
- design of road and airport pavements;
- marginal materials: characterisation and application;
- advanced characterisation of bituminous (traditional and high performance) mixtures;
- heat harvesting applied to road pavements;
- road drivers' behavior and traffic safety;
- airport risk assessment;
- arrestor beds in roads and airports;