Associate Professor
Address: Via Ognissanti, 39 - Padova
Phone: 049 8277901
Scientific sector: ICAR/07 - GEOTECHNICS
Degree in Civil Engineering, University of Padua, March 1980
Specialization Course in Geotechnics at the University of Padua: a.y. 1980/81
Researcher of Geotechnics, at the University of Padua, from 9.11.83 to 20.12.2002
Head of the Geotechnical Laboratory of the University of Padua from 01.05.85 to 31.07.90
Associate Professor - Sector ICAR 07 Geotechnics - University of Padua (since 20.12.2002)
Professor of "Geotechnics" (Master degree in Building Engineering/Architecture) "Environmental Geotechnics" (Master degree in Environmental and Territorial Engineering)
Co-author with Profs. R.Lancellotta and G.Scarpelli of the "Recommendations on geotechnical laboratory tests", Italian Geotechnical Association, Rome (1990)
President of the Federation of Orders of Engineers of the Veneto Region (2006-2010)
Member of the Environmental Impact Evaluation Commission, Province of Padua (2009-2016)
President of the Padua Engineers Foundation (2013-2020).
M. Favaretti, N. Moraci (2000): Dipendenza delle proprietà geotecniche di miscele sabbia-bentonite dalla composizione chimica del fluido interstiziale. Rivista Italiana di Geotecnica n.3.
M. Favaretti, P. Previatello (2005): “Effectiveness testing of a MSW landfill liners system”, Geologia Tecnica ed Ambientale, n.2
S. Busana, M. Favaretti, C. Temporin (2011): “Aspetti innovativi nella miscelazione in situ di limo e argilla per la copertura di discariche controllate”, XXIV Convegno Nazionale di Geotecnica, Napoli.
A. Benedetti, G. Cortellazzo, M. Favaretti, L. Russo (2011): “Impiego del muro segmentale Rockwood® lungo il passante di Mestre”, XXIV Convegno Nazionale di Geotecnica, Napoli.
F. Ambrosini, R. De Faveri, S. Rossetto, A. Dei Svaldi, M. Favaretti (2011): “Approccio innovativo nel consolidamento con jet-grouting delle fondazioni della reggia di Versailles”, XXIV Convegno Nazionale di Geotecnica, Napoli.
A.G. Borsetti, S. Colombo, M. Favaretti (2013): “Assessment of leachate accumulation in a italian MSW landfill”, Proceedings Sardinia 2013, 14th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium
S. Colombo, G. Cortellazzo, M. Favaretti, S. Pistolato (2013): “Settlement modelling of the Ca’ Rossa landfill in a post-closure perspective” Proceedings Sardinia 2013, 14th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium
E. Barbisan, S. Busana, M. Favaretti (2013): “Use of silt-clay mixtures in MSW landfills cover systems”, Proceedings Sardinia 2013, 14th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium.
M. Schepis, S. Busana, G. Cortellazzo, M. Favaretti, M.C. Mandaglio, N. Moraci (2015): “Experimental Evaluation Of Hydraulic Conductivity Of Compacted Soil Liner”. Proceedings Sardinia 2015, 15th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium
M. Favaretti (2017): “La difesa del suolo”. Contributo al volume “Governare il territorio in Veneto” a cura di Michelangelo Savino, pp.135-152, Cleup, Padova, ISBN 9788867875719
N. Moraci, S. Busana, G. Cortellazzo, M. Favaretti, M.C. Mandaglio, M. Schepis (2018). Design and construction of a compacted clay liner in the cover system of a MSW landfill using not standard procedures. Can. Geotech. J. 55: 1182–1192 (2018)
A. Dei Svaldi, M. Favaretti, A.Mazzucato (2018). “Comparison between Theoretical and Measured Settlements of a Cyclically Loaded Silo”. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, April 2018, Volume 36, Issue 2, pp 1129-1143, Springer International Edition
M.Favaretti, R. Cossu (2019). “Mineral liners”. Contributo al volume “Solid Waste Landfilling – Concepts, Processes, Technologies”, a cura di Raffaello Cossu e Rainer Stegmann, Elsevier, pp 289-312. ISBN 978-0-12-818336-6
Cortellazzo, G.; Mandaglio, M. C.; Busana, S.; Favaretti, M.; Moraci, N. (2020). “A New Approach for the Design, Construction and Control of Compacted Mineral Liners of a MSW Landfill Capping”, International Journal Of Geosynthetics And Ground Engineering, Vol.6, Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH
Cortellazzo G., Bellò E., Busana S., Favaretti M. (2021). “Experimental Acceptance Procedure for Using Cullet in the Gas Collection Layer of MSW Landfill”, Indian Geotechnical Journal, October 2021
Cortellazzo G., Russo E.L., Busana S., Carbone L., Favaretti M., Hangen H. (2022). “Field trial of a reinforced landfill cover system: performance and failure”, Geotextiles and Geome
Research Activity
Environmental Geotechnics: behavior of compacted clay layers in contact with different liquids; geotechnical aspects related to the design and construction of MSW landfills; geotechnical stability of natural slopes.