Associate Professor
Address: Via Ognissanti, 39 - Padova
Phone: 049 8277996
Associate Professor at the University of Padova, ICEA Department, in the sector related to Coastal Engineering, is author of more than 150 scientific publications, more than 30 on refereed international journals (Scopus h-index = 18). Main qualifications are related to physical model testing in the field of maritime constructions (including test design, data analysis and interpretation possibly through home brewed numerical modelling). Director of the Maritime Laboratory of Padova University since 2020. In 2023 LM achieved the National Scientific qualification as full professor in the Italian higher education system, for the disciplinary field of 08/A1 - Hydraulics, hydrology, hydraulic and marine constructions. Member of the Doctorate Council of the Department since 2016/17, member of CONISMA, ISOPE, of Giorgio Levi Cases research Center, the group of Italian Maritimes Academy, the network Euromarine (as part of the research group of Padova University) and the Italian Group of Hydraulics. Served since 2019 in the scientific committee for EWTEC and SDEWES International Conferences. Associate editor for Frontiers in Built Environment – Coastal and Offshore Engineering section, and member of the Editorial board for the Journal for Marine Science and Engineering (MDPI) and of Water (MDPI).
Research Activity
The main areas of research are:
- wave structure interaction, with particular focus on the impulsive loads applied by breaking waves;
- research and development of floating breakwaters and wave energy converters, including their mooring system;
- coastal flooding risk, coastal erosion and the relative mitigation measures.
- coastal defence, maritime structures and their physical modelling