Assistant Professor

Address: Via Ognissanti, 39 - Padova

Phone: 0498277995




Chiara Favaretto is a Research Fellow - Assistant Professor (RTDa) of Coastal and Maritime engineering at the Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering (ICEA), University of Padova, from October 2021. She received an M.Sc. degree in Civil Engineering at the University of Padova in 2013. She defended her PhD thesis “Development of a model for the assessment of coastal flooding vulnerability: Implementation at the Venetian littoral” in Civil and Environmental Engineering Sciences at the University of Padova in 2019. She is member of the Professional Society of Civil and Environmental Engineers, Venice, Italy. She holds the courses of “Hydrology” and “Coastal Flooding Hazard”, at the University of Padova, and she is co-supervisor of several master theses.
She is author of 25 scientific publications, 18 of them in peer reviewed Scopus Journals. Her H-Index is 6 (Scopus). She is also co-author of the “Gestione integrata della zona costiera. Studio e monitoraggio per la definizione degli interventi di difesa dei litorali dall’erosione nella Regione Veneto - Linee guida. Edizioni Libreria Progetto, ISBN 978-88-96477-84-7. Linee guida approvate dalla Regione Veneto con DGR n° 898 – 14/06/2016. Chiara Favaretto participated as speaker to several conferences worldwide since 2015, she is reviewer of several journals in the field of Coastal engineering.
Her research activity covers the following topics: coastal flooding modelling; wave overtopping and overflow phenomena; coastal flooding hazard; statistical analysis of marine forcings; integrated coastal zone management (littoral sediment transport, coastal dynamics, vulnerability to coastal erosion, etc.); wave energy converters; physical model testing of coastal & maritime structures, both in situ and in laboratory (wave flume and wave basin of the ICEA Department, University of Padua).


Lecturer's Publications (PDF): D0E2590A89BF1C3AC831F17B551406DB.pdf

  Research Activity

- Coastal flooding modeling;
- Wave overtopping and overflow phenomena;
- Coastal flooding hazard;
- Statistical analysis of waves, sea levels;
- Integrated coastal zone management (littoral sediment transport, coastal dynamics, vulnerability to coastal erosion, etc.);
- Physical model testing both in situ and in the laboratory (wave flume and wave basin of the ICEA Department, University of Padua): nourishments, coastal & maritime structures, wave energy converters.



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