Full Professor
Address: Via Loredan, 20 - Padova
Phone: 049 8275427
Scientific sector: ICAR/01 - HYDRAULICS
Defina is author of more than 100 papers, among which 30 in peer-review journals.
A list of selected papers can be found at (some are available for download)
Research Activity
- SHALLOW WATER FLOWS: two-dimensional and three-dimensional mathematical modeling (including transport and diffusion, and wind wave generation and propagation); shallow flows over partially dry domains; interacting surface and subsurface flow.
- RIVER AND LAGOON MORPHODYNAMICS: two-dimensional morphodynamic modeling (free bar evolution, tidal basins evolution).
- NEAR-WALL COHERENT TURBULENT STRUCTURES: experimental studies on near-wall turbulent coherent structures over rough wall.
- DENSITY CURRENTS: stability of uniform/accelerated stratified shear flow.
- VEGETATED OPEN CHANNEL FLOW: Flow and turbulence assessment; floating seeds dynamics
- BASIC FLUID MECHANICS: Hysteretic behavior of a supercritical flow approaching an obstacle, stability of a stationary hydraulic jump in an upward sloping channel.