Master GIScience - Organization


Compulsory attendance70,00 %

The master offers 1 path blended and on line synchronous and 6 paths on distance learning (blended and on line asynchronous). Each path is divided into 20 credits of common courses (160 hours), 18 CFU of specific course (144 hours) and 18 credits of internship (450 hours) and 4 credits of final evaluation (100 hours). The lessons of the Masters will be held on Friday and Saturday (16 hours). For all path the first 160 hours of common courses (20 credits) will be organized as blended teaching for a duration of 10 weeks between November 2022 and February 2023. For the path with on line synchronous teaching the specific courses (18 credits, 144 hours) will be held for another 15 weeks between February and July 2023 on Friday and Saturday  on Zoom platform. For all other paths 18 credits of specific curses (144 hours) will be offered by recorded videoconferences.
The activity will be completed by a stage to be implemented with the supervision of a master's professor at one of the Departments involved in the Master or at one of the institutions signing a training agreement with the Master.

Didactic typologiesLessons; Seminars; Stage
AssessmentUnique for all the courses
Final testProject preparation (webgis, Geodatabase, GIS) and oral multimedia presentation
Other information

Each academic path will be activated with a minimum number of 6 participants, under the condition of 10 people to activate the Master.
The activity will be completed by a stage to be implemented with the supervision of a master's professor at one of the Departments involved in the Master or at one of the institutions signing a training agreement with the Master. As alternative to the stage it is possible to carry out a project Work to be agreed with the direction of the Master.